TOK Nov 2013
November 2013 TOK essay titles (link to PDF)
1. "In the natural sciences progress can be made, but in the arts this is not possible.” To what extent do you agree?
2. “Technology both enables us to produce knowledge and limits the knowledge that is produced.” Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.
3. “Every attempt to know the world rests on a set of assumptions that cannot be tested.” Examine this proposition in relation to two areas of knowledge.
4. “Knowledge gives us a sense of who we are.” To what extent is this true in the human sciences and one other area of knowledge?
5. “… our knowledge is only a collection of scraps and fragments that we put together into a pleasing design, and often the discovery of one new fragment would cause us to alter utterly the whole design” (Morris Bishop). To what extent is this true in history and one other area of knowledge?
6. “The methods used to produce knowledge depend on the use to which it will be put.” Discuss this statement in relation to two areas of knowledge.