Ib20 trial of king louie exemplar and response reflection

Trial of King Louie response exemplar


Using the exemplar paper, rubric and you're paper write a reflection response on "My learning" using the following prompts:

  • What grade would you give your first paper? (remember to include evidence to support your grade)

    • How does your first response compare to the ideal response? (remember to include evidence to support your reasoning)

  • What skills/process could you use to achieve the ideal grade? (compare against the class exemplar)

  • What IB learner profile descriptors LEAST describe you? (again provide evidence to support your choice(s))

downloadable pdf of IB learner profile

  • How could you reasonably improve these areas of the IB learner profile? (again provide evidence to support your choice(s))

IB 20 pt response 2014.docx