IB Internal Assessment Topics List
Links: 2010 IA Guide 2017 IA Guide Internal assessment Topics List
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Here is a list of potential topics to help get you started. This is not a mandatory list! You may choose a topic off this list and futher refine it for your IA or develop one on your own
King Leopold II and the Belgian Congo
Kaiser Wilhelm II and the 2nd Reich
The Young Turk Movement
Armenian Nationalism
German-Turkish relations, 1900-1915
Mexican Revolution 1911-1924
H.M.S. “Dreadnought” and the Naval Race
The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05
Communist upheaval in Germany , 1916-1919
Easter Rebellion of 1916
Mutiny in the trenches, 1916-1917
World War I and German East Africa
Verona Telegram-Cold War and Soviet Code
Peron and Argentina
Czech Revolution 1945-48: Benes and Masaryk
The Impact of World War I on women in the workplace
The English Suffragette Movement
Mustafa Kemal and the Turkish Republic
The Locarno treaties of 1925, and Stresemann
German Depression, 1920-23
The Lateran Treaties of 1929
The Washington and London naval conferences
Dag Hamerskjold and the Congo
Hitler’s “Weltanschauung”
Nixon and China
Nazi Germany and the Catholic Church during the war
Nazi Propaganda
The Ethiopian Crisis of 1935
The Nuremberg Laws of Racial Purity
The Spanish Civil War
Basque seperatism
Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact of 1939: The Deadly Embrace
Leo Blum and the French Popular Front
Hitler and the “Final Solution” – the Fleming Thesis
Albert Speer: Role in continuing war
The John Maynard Keynes Thesis
Iceland in World War II
Julius Streicher and Der Sturmer
The Terrible Secret : the Laqueur Thesis
Auschwitz and the Allies : the Gilbert Thesis
Vidkun Quisling and Nazi Norway
Project T-4 (Euthanasia)
Russo-Finnish War of 1940
The “Prague Spring” and Dubcek 1968
Women and the War Effort – World War II
Chaim Rumkowski: the Judenalteste ( Lodz )
I.G. Farben Trials
Action “Reinhard”, Chelmno, Belsec
Paper Walls – the Wyman Thesis
Chiang Kai-shek and the Burma Road
Influenza Epidemic 1918-1919
Irish nuetrality during World War II
Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed (story of a French village)
German Youth Resistance to the Nazis
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
Henri Petain and the Vichy Government
Andrei Sakharov and Soviet Repression
Myth of French Resistance during World War II
Non-Germans in the S.S.
Swiss neutrality in World War II
Soviet Purge Trials
Willy Brandt and Ostpolitik
Stalin’s collectivization of agriculture
Six Armies at Normandy – Keegan Thesis
Potsdam and Yalta Conferences
Hitler of History – Lukacs theory
Gandhi and Indian Nationalism
French and the Vietminh
Suez Canal Crisis, 1956
Hungarian Revolution 1956
The EEC and the Council of Europe: European federalism
Nassar and Arab Nationalism
Algerian War of Independence
Apartheid in South Africa
Charles de Gaulle and Modern France 1945-62
Julius Nyerere and African Socialism
Muhammed Jinnah and the Moslem League
Changing Role of Women in India
Republican government in India : Nehru to Indira Ghandi
Sun Yat-sen and the 1911 Revolution
The “Great Leap Forward”
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
China ’s Involvement in the Korean War
Cambodian Genocide
Herzl and Zionism
Sykes-Picot Agreement on the Middle East 1916/Weizmann and Balfour Declaration/McMahon Pledge (COMBINE)
Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution
The Iranian Revolution of 1979
Saddam Hussein and modern Iraq
Soviet Gulag System
Aryan “science”
Lysenkoism – Russia , China
Choice by student/teacher
To what extent did the successes of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift overshadow the negative outcomes for the Western Powers?
An Investigation into Tiananmen Square discussing the heroes popularised in Western Media and Deng Xiaoping’s "martyrs."
Was the crossing of the Luding Bridge in May 1935 a great communist victory against tremendous odds, or a minor skirmish exaggerated by the Chinese Communist Party for propaganda purposes?
Kent State: Was it the turning point in the Vietnam War?
What were the causes of the Boston Massacre 1776?
An oral history study on the role of women living in post-World War II Britain.
Why did the Special Operations Executive send aid to Tito’s communist Partisans?
The German Occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II.
How far were Republican divisions responsible for their loss in the Spanish Civil War?
Was Hitler's "euthanasia" policy distinctively Nazi?
Cinema as History: Sir Richard Attenborough's Gandhi
An examination of the Greenham Common Peace Protesters
Triumph of the Will: Art, Propaganda or documentary?
To what extent did David Low's cartoons accurately reflect public opinion in Britain in the years before World War II?
To what extent is the 2004 film Finding Neverland historically accurate in its account of the life of J M Barrie?
To what extent did Louis XVI’s execution contribute to the "Terror" in France 1793?
What was the cause of the Rwandan Genocide?
To what extent does the film I Shot Andy Warhol faithfully portray the events of Andy Warhol’s shooting on the 3rd of June 1968?
What were the reasons for the Allies bombing of Dresden in the Second World War and were they justified in destroying this city?
How and why did the reports of the American newspaper The New York Times and the British newspaper The Times differ in their reports of the Soviet and American administrations during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
How did an admiration of Italian Baroque architecture and ancient mythology become reflected in the design and construction of the Palace of Versailles?
To what extent does the film Amadeus accurately portray the final illness and death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
Did the Bielski Otriad experience the same internal and external conflicts portrayed in the film Defiance?
How useful is the art of George Grosz to the historian of Weimar Germany?
Does oral testimony substantiate the view that life in East Germany got worse following the fall of Nazism?
How successfully did Hitler promote the ideal of the family in the Third Reich?
How did newspaper reports on the death of Kennedy vary, and how reliable were they?
How and why did the accounts of the storming of the Winter Palace in october 1917 differ in the film October and in the book A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924?
How, when and why was the church/mosque/temple of [name] build and what can be learnt from the town of [name] in a defined period?
How significant was Fidel Castro’s role in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962?
To what extent do the film The Charge of the Light Brigade and the book The Charge: The Real Reason Why the Light Brigade was Lost agree on the apportioning of blame for the failure of the charge of the Light Brigade?
To what extend was the involvement in the United States government and the CIA responsible for the downfall of Salvador Allende?
What were the real motives for the different views held by Churchill and Chamberlain during the years previous to World War II?
A study of the Women’s Army Corps during World War II
“Mao’s swim across the Yangtze River inspired the renewed cult of Mao and provided an image of Mao as a leader for a new revolutionary generation.”
To what extent can Nixon’s Vietnamization policy be considered a success?
Did the Soviet Union assemble missiles in Cuba in 1962 solely to protect Cuba from invasion?
An investigation into the Tiananmen Square incident of 1989.
Although the Night of Long Knives was characterised by the Nazis as Hitler taking a "courageous action which saved the German Volk from civil war,” he was motivated more by a desire to eliminate threats to his own supremacy within the Party and earning the loyalty of the Army.
Was the Berlin Wall built simply to deny freedom to East Germans under Soviet rule or did it serve a greater purpose?
An examination of the significance of British politics in the responses to the Jack the Ripper cases in the 1880s.
How effective was the Marshall Plan was in reconstructing Europe?
Why was Margaret Sanger a successful public advocate for birth control in the United States?
What were the social, economic and political impacts of the launch of Sputnik on the US and USSR at that point in time of the Cold War?
A study of why the United States became involved in Vietnam.
Victim or aggressor: An examination of German motives in 1914.
Who emerged on top from the Cuban Missile Crisis?
How successful were the Soviet Five Year Plans?