past key terms arrangements

Social 10-1 terms arranged by students 2018

In this project our group has decided to divide the key terms into three categories, which are whether a key term effects collective identity, individual identity, or whether it’s both. We have decided to do it this way because we wanted to evaluate whether the curriculum focused on the individual, or on the collective group. It has become obvious now that it’s based on collective identity. This is done in order to teach students the effects of collective identity in world history, and how there is always something bigger than themselves. Globalization relates to this because globalization itself forms one collective identity as a species around the world. While at the same time globalization is formed through the multiple interactions between different collective identities. Within these terms we have also noticed that they are in favour of further developing a common collective identity. Therefore it is safe to say that the Related Issue 1 focuses on key terms that affect collective identity.

We organized our key terms around their relevance to the overarching topic of globalization. Essentially, forming a time-web ramifying before and after from the central philosophies of globalization. The philosophies being that of establishing a collective identity, through the removal of the barriers between the interactions of peoples or countries furthering the flow of ideas, money, culture, and technology.

Creating the TIMEWEB ramifying from globalization gave us two seperate trends, one being that the web followed a loose timeline, and that it sorted itself into a spectrum showing the philosophies of individual vs collective identity. Between individual and collective identity, the terms associated with that of individual identity seemed to be present prior to globalization and the terms associated with that of collective identity seemed to be present during and thereafter.

The processes of homogenization, acculturation, accommodation, assimilation, and cultural revitalization were all made possible by globalization. These processes caused great changes to identity and culture, causing a loss of the cultures and traditions and were therefore present during or sometime before the midst of globalization. For example, the assimilation of my visible minorities into Canadian schools. Communication technology gives us the opportunity to communicate with almost anyone, anywhere, at anytime. This connection helps us develop and affirm a sense of belonging with the people and groups we are communicating with, which is a way that it affects our identities. Further promoting the spectrum of how globalization drives towards collective identity.

Ethnocentrism and Apartheid were above globalization on the timeline, and focused more on individual identity while suppressing collective rather than issues with collective identity. Also, terms post and during globalization, organized themselves after key historical events possibly due to the effects of the events. The key historical events being WW1, WW2, The Cold War, etc.

-The common theme in the beginning of these terms is the underlying need to assimilate everyone.

-We see this in terms like hybridization, universalization and of course assimilation.

-These terms ranging from the 1800’s to the 1900’s frowned upon the thought of different cultures coexisting; ethnocentrism.

-In the 1930’s terms like homogenization, acculturation, started to rise, likely to the influence of Nazism, and the need to segregate.

-After the war, we would turn our attention on media and communication, even though we were still ethnocentric we prioritized communication and collective identity.

-For example, the civil rights movement in the United States of America still had coloured people who were being segregated, protesting for equal rights.

-Slowly but surely, we accepted diversity, leading to multiculturalism in more countries.

-Inevitably, an increase in global communication, will result in cultures and identities permeating through trading and a movement towards globalization.

Social 10-1 terms arranged by students 2017

The way we wanted to format our representation of globalization and identity was in a linear manner. Our format clearly depicts the levels of the terms and how they relate to one another. For example, hybridization and homogenization are polar opposites. One of these terms embraces identity while the other suppresses it. The terms underneath these headers are subtexts, more so synonyms. The terms across from one another are also opposite. It is clear that globalization and universalization are the centre of the flowchart. All other terms can be associated in some way to globalization. The terms directly below globalization can be considered the ways of viewing this term while the terms below those are the ways that globalization is done or being implemented in the world.

Our group began with a very generalized grouping of our key terms, we began by grouping them into three groups, economic, political and social. We used our case studies on each of the terms to sort our terms into groups. By grouping our twelve terms into these three categories, we discovered that the social grouping had an overwhelming amount of terms when compared to the other two groups. By discovering this, we gained the realization, that although all of the terms could be sorted into three groups, each of the terms all related back to the social category. After disregarding our first approach, we came up with a way of “ranking” each of the terms on a scale. The very top represents terms that are purely social, and don’t necessarily relate to any of the other two categories, these terms were, Global Village, and Media. Below these two terms, it began to progress downward towards Political, with each term becoming more and more political. These terms in order were respectively: Hybridization, Ethnocentrism, Accommodation, Assimilation, Apartheid, Homogenization, Multiculturalism, Acculturation. Beneath these terms, was our only truly political term with no relations to economics, our social aspects, this term was Cultural Revitalization. Once again under this term on the ranking, each one became closer and closer to our economic grouping. The only term in between was Globalization. And the last term on the ranking was the only purely economic term: Transnational Corporation.


We arranged our terms by cause and effect with globalization at the center. We have it in a circle because everything above it added together causes the next term since we did it by definition. We used a story to explain our order; with "hat people" Steve, "no hat" Bridget, and "baseball" Gkobe. The first term is transnational corporation, this is where "no hat" Bridget expands her company over seas. Next is accommodation, here Steve, Gkobe, and Bridget change slightly to accommodate on another. At this point they're acquaintances. After a while they start to work together and become friends, this is where global village comes in. Once they're united they create a cultural mosaic. Now that they've accommodated and adapted to each other acculturation occurs, the cultural changes that happen influence hybridization. Together this creates a sense of multiculturalism. Now "hat people" Steve decides he doesn't like Bridget because she doesn't wear a hat and tells Gkobe about it, his attitude is ethnocentric. He is discriminating against Bridget, this is called apartheid. Because of this small changes occurred causing homogenization. Next Steve forces Bridget and Gkobe to wear hats like his, this process is assimilation. Then cultural revitalization occurs when they reject the hats and embrace their culture of head wear, this recreates the cultural mosaic. Once they collectively realize their cultural importance they have a better understanding and value it more, causing marginalization. Having this new found sense makes them want to share it and learn about even more head ware, encouraging the use of media. Now there's universalization. The connection of the world through culture, customs, and practices.


We decided to arrange our 16 terms in a web format by their definitions. Globalization is at the center because all the terms relate to it somehow. Terms such as cultural mosaic, multiculturalism, and accommodation all promote cultural identity between different nations or groups. These are related to globalization and to each other because of their interaction with other cultures. Other terms such assimilation, marginalization, and ethnocentrism are related to each other through globalization because of their negative outlook and effects on different cultures. The term “media” connects global village with transnational corporation because of the technology aspect.